The other night, I had a message from spirit that I believe was intended for a lot of us. The message was one of hope and encouragement. A reminder that at the end of a dark winter comes the welcome light and newness of spring. Our lives are like that. We cycle through this path we call life with its ups and downs, hills and valleys, curves and straight road. Nothing stays stagnant and we have an opportunity every day to grab our palette of paint and our brushes to create our own masterpiece.
With our world in such turmoil, it's important to know that we have the power to shine our lights on the darkness. Like candles, we each can light up a portion of the world and when we all do it, suddenly, the world is lit up and we drive out the darkness. Collectively, as individual human beings, we can change things for the better. Without darkness, there cannot be light. It's time for us to light up the world with love, joy, happiness and compassion.
Some cringe in fear of taking that first step, of standing up for what is right, and leave it to the next person to be first. But what if we all had that attitude? Nothing would ever be accomplished. I encourage you to be the trailblazers and the leaders in this world. Be the first one to walk out there with your torch and your pitchfork if necessary and drive the dark right out of the village. In fact, I dare you to be the first.
Those first steps don't have to be big steps. It can be a small one. Smile at the stranger on the street or buy a meal for the person behind you in the drive through line. Sit with the elderly person on the park bench and offer to read them a book. This is how we change the world...and spirit is sending that message of encouragement to tell us we can do it...
I know this is a short post today, but I said what I needed to say and passed along the message spirit intended me to send. Many blessings to each of you as you become the trailblazers in healing our world.
